Fifty Things Your Library Does for You for Free

As published in the Red Rock News.

​As we often do at this time of year, we look back on all we’ve accomplished and consider what the approaching year might bring. We review, calculate, remember, snap our fingers and say, “Oh, that’s right, I need to write that down.” And, if you’re like me, the best way to remember, for yesterday or today, is to make a list.
I am a list maker in my personal life, and yes, I still handwrite them. For all the apps that are out there for making grocery, holiday, or party lists, for me, there is nothing like the sight of my many-itemed chicken scratched list, and the feeling of drawing a fast line through the task I just completed. Finished!
As a professional, I have the same practice, and as a fundraiser for Sedona Public Library, it is vital that I tally all that we do. I simply can’t ask for support from individuals, businesses, or foundations without being able to tick off the ways we make Sedona a vibrant and wonderful place to live.
So, once again, please bear with me as I present my annual list of 50—count them, 50!—items: services, programs, and more that we make available to the community. These benefits and activities are waiting for you at two locations, for free!
By the way, as we’re in the throes of our end-of-year campaign, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that when you support the Library, you support everything on the list. Special bonus? Your gifts will be matched, dollar for dollar, UP TO $50,000! Our matching donors have upped the game and challenged the community to contribute $50,000 to their Library. We’re halfway there, help us hit the $50K mark?
Giving to the Library is really the best deal in town, worth every dollar. Read on!

  1. Meet a Friend and catch some rays on the new Library Courtyard!
  2. Visit Sedona Schnebly—she’s showing off her new hat.
  3. Check Something Out – Between two locations, can choose from 69,000 items.
  4. Look Up! Red Rock Quilters’ quilts are going up soon.
  5. Check Out all kinds of things – One million items available through our network.
  6. Take a StoryWalk at Sunset Park.
  7. Use our WiFi – inside or outside at two locations. 
  8. Borrow a Wi-Fi Hotspot or Chromebook Laptop.
  9. Visit the Friends Used Book Store, peruse the selection and sales.
  10. Buy a book at the aforementioned Friends Used Book Store.
  11. Have Fun – Grab & Go Crafts for Youth. 
  12. Make an Appointment if you need a Notary Public.
  13. Conduct Academic Research – Academic OneFile? A great database.
  14. Borrow a Book from Faraway – If we don’t have it, we’ll find it! 
  15. Give Libby a Try: an app just for enjoying ebooks and audiobooks!
  16. Ask a Librarian a Question – Make it a tough one, they love a challenge! 
  17. Have Coffee with A Vet – Second Fridays of each month.
  18. Watch a Favorite Film – We’ve got 1000’s of DVDs.  
  19. Go Rogue – Read a banned book. 
  20. Teen Movie Night! Pizza, Popcorn and Fun!
  21. Bring the kids to Story Time at Sunset Park.
  22. Preview a Catalog – We’ve got OLLI’s and more.
  23. Visit with Our Tech Librarian, technology navigation by appointment.
  24. Relax on a Patio at our Village Library with views of Castle Rock.
  25. Plan next year’s garden – Look at the “Phoenix Home & Garden” magazine.
  26. Join our Mailing List – Everything you need to know at
  27. Play Chess, teen sessions on Thursdays.
  28. Expand your Reading Horizons – NoveList Plus suggests favorite authors.
  29. Volunteer! – Connect with 110 others who love the Library.
  30. Suggest a Book – Maybe we’ll add it to the collection.
  31. Learn Local Culture and Lore – Wander through our Arizona collection.
  32. Study the Rocks – SE corner. Geology Wall. Enjoy the view, too!
  33. Did we mention having lunch in the new Library Courtyard?
  34. Aprende español, principiante y avanzado.
  35. Become a Member – The Friends need you, and we need the Friends.
  36. Stay in the Know – With the Washington Post, New York Times, and more.
  37. Get Cultured – Free passes to Arizona museums with a Culture Pass.
  38. Let Us Help You Plan your Stay – Sign up for a Visitor’s Library Card.
  39. Clean Off Your Bookshelves: bring your used books to the Book Store.
  40. Balance, Center, Breathe – Find a quiet space to get your calm on.
  41. Find a Friend – They don’t call us the ‘Heart of Sedona’ for nothing.
  42. Check out a Steam Kit: learn about bird watching, the Verde River, and more.
  43. Access Free Film Streaming on, you just need your library card.
  44. Get your Library Card.
  45. Download the YLN App; explore the catalog.
  46. Take a Magazine or two home for the holidays.
  47. Join one of our Monthly Book Clubs, maybe an author will join the group.
  48. Play Dungeons and Dragons – the teen competition begin.
  49. Bring the little ones to Miss Marcia’s Toddler Plan ‘n Learn.
  50. Visit to learn more!

If you’ve already made your gift, or you’re just now putting it on your to-do list, thanks! Happy Holidays from all the staff of Sedona Public Library! Please visit

Sedona Public Library 
Library News Column for December 23, 2022 
Written by Anne Marie Mackler, Development Director